Lott's Skepticism on Budget

Lott's Skepticism on Budget

Despite post-election pledges of bipartisan cooperation on the budget and other issues, Senate Majority Leader Lott today said he is "not convinced" President Clinton will act in good faith with congressional Republicans on the budget this year.

"I hear from people in OMB that the president's budget this year has more games in it than last year," Lott said in a speech today to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He said he has heard "rumblings" that Clinton may not want to cooperate, and he warned the White House that Republicans wanted "no more shell games" on the budget this year.

"We need no up and then down on discretionary spending," he said. "No double budgets -- one with lots of goodies and then a lean one." He said he hopes Clinton sends Congress an FY98 budget "that shows good faith," which he pledged would be returned.

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