New Locality Pay Zones

New Locality Pay Zones

Based on the recommendations of the Federal Salary Council, the Office of Personnel Management has proposed creating two new locality pay areas in 1998. According to proposed regulations published in last Friday's , the new zones would cover Hartford, Conn., and Orlando, Fla.
October 29, 1996

New Locality Pay Zones

Federal Register

A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics survey showed that the disparity between the pay of federal workers and non-federal workers in the Hartford area is greater than the pay disparity in the rest of the United States. That means federal workers in Hartford may be due larger locality pay increases than workers in other areas of the country.

The disparity in the Orlando area is slightly less than in the rest of the United States, so OPM and BLS are going to conduct further studies of federal and nonfederal salaries in the region to determine where it should be placed on the locality pay scale.

The Federal Employee Pay Comparability Act of 1990 calls for pay adjustments when there is a disparity between the pay of federal and non-federal employees doing the same work in the same geographic area.

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