New Career Safety Net

New Career Safety Net

A group of federal employees have created a safety net for their fellow civil servants that stretches across the World Wide Web.

October 22, 1996


New Career Safety Net

Yesterday, Labor Secretary Robert Reich and Office of Personnel Management Director James B. King unveiled "A Federal Employee's Survival Guide," at, as part of their interagency agreement to help federal workers displaced by downsizing.

The site includes information on starting a new career, on retiring from the federal government, and on regulations surrounding reductions in force (RIFs).

The site was created by a group of federal employees from the Agriculture, Labor and Defense Departments, the Environmental Protection Agency and NASA who served as 1995-1996 Excellence in Government Fellows.

"The initiatives we unveil today show the human, compassionate face of government reinvention," King said yesterday.

The agreement between Reich and King also promised to make Labor's Career Transition Services at regional offices throughout the country available to federal employees affected by downsizing.

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