Do you believe in shape-shifting lizard people? The out there.

Do you believe in shape-shifting lizard people? The out there. Image via Piotr Krzeslak/

13 Percent of Americans Believe Obama Is the Antichrist (and Other Sad Facts)

New polling shows just how many conspiracy theorists lurk among us—and what they believe.

Are you part of the four percent? The four percent of Americans, that is, who believe that shape-shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies? If you're not, you may be a touch aghast by the (still low) number. But according to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, the conspiracy theorists are strong among us.

(Still not convinced? Read Tom Shoop's exposé on the Secret Service's reptilian shapeshifter on staff...)

In a survey of 1,247 registered American voters from March 27-30 (conducted through automated telephone interviews), Public Policy Polling discovered some choice nuggets among the things we do and do not believe. Some highlights from the survey (pdf).

  • Did we ever really land on the moon? Seven percent of those surveyed said they thought Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took not one giant leap.
  • Is Osama bin Laden still out there? Well, the vast majority of respondents here thought not. But 11 percent aren't quite sure.
  • Was the CIA "instrumental" in dealing crack cocaine into America's inner cities in the 1980s? 14 percent of respondents say yes.
  • Does the media or government add "secret mind-controlling technology" to television broadcasts? 15 percent of those surveyed think Brian Williams and the rest are up to something more nefarious than just delivering the nightly news.
  • Do you think President Obama is the antichrist? 13 percent of registered American voters surveyed think so while another 13 percent are not sure.

The polling firm didn't stop with the more outlandish beliefs, however. The survey also covered some political conspiracy theories that are a bit more in the mainstream.

  • Do you believe the Bush administration intentionally misled the U.S. about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to promote the war? 44 percent of respondents said yes; 45 percent said no.
  • Do you believe Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11? 28 percent of respondents thought he was, while 51 percent thought he wasn't.
  • Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? Only 25 percent of those surveyed thought he acted alone. 51 percent thought there was a larger conspiracy.
  • Is global warming a hoax? 37 percent of respondents said it is, 51 percent think it is not.
  • And, of course: Do you believe that a "secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government, or New World Order?" Surprisingly, 28 percent of those surveyed said yes. This includes a plurality (38 percent) of people who voted for Mitt Romney in 2012.

Image via  Piotr Krzeslak/