Video: Steve Jobs and the Secret to a Great Presentation

A look at all of Steve Jobs' "one more thing" moments.

Arthur Levinson, Apple’s chairman of the board, recently told Fortune , “I’m still not to the point where I walk into that board room and don’t miss Steve.” He’s not alone.

Steve Jobs’ fans and devotees have been in mourning since his death in 2011. And why, in part, do people miss Jobs so much?

Because nobody gave presentations the way he did.

The masses came to know Jobs through his public presentations. Clad in a black turtleneck and sneakers, Jobs would give subdued presentations that often seemed to change the world. In one short decade, from the unveil of the iPod in 2001 to the reveal of the iPad in 2010, he used the power of presentation and his aptitude for showmanship to create legions of Apple loyalists and forever change how people interact with technology.

So what was the secret to a great Steve Jobs presentation? Suspense and surprise. Like a rockstar’s encore, Jobs always had “ one more thing ” he wanted to give his audience.

Complied below are nearly all of the “one more thing” moments from Jobs' career:

[via Tuaw ]