Video: Clearly Identify Problems Before 'Solving' Them

A look at the concept of ChangeCasting and the building blocks of problem solving.

Joel Turner, Chief Deputy Clerk for the Western District of Wisconsin, talked with us at Excellence in Government Live on September 6. There, he spoke to a concept developed by Jackson Nickerson, Associate Dean and Director of the Brookings Executive Education, called "ChangeCasting." 

According to Turner, ChangeCasting involves developing feedback mechanisms that allow an organization to clearly identify problems before trying to solve them.  

"Be open to new techniques, engage everyone, listen and don't try and solve the problem upfront before you actually craft what the problem is," said Turner. "The key is to be flexible, to be open and to be transparent with the people that you're trying to serve. It doesn't really help to keep a lot of information close to the vest and not engage." 

You can see Turner's full interview with Excellence in Government below: 

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