Bill targeting intelligence leaks meets criticism

Missouri senator seeks to make it easier to prosecute federal employees and contractors for leaks.

Senate legislation aimed at punishing intelligence leaks by government employees and contractors has received a chilly reception from a major newspaper in the home state of bill sponsor introduced by Christopher (Kit) Bond, R-Mo.

The bill, S. 3774, would make it easier for the government to prosecute whistleblowers who reveal information about "sensitive intelligence programs."

The Kansas City Star urged Bond to "withdraw his proposal immediately," saying it is "not well thought out."

The Missouri Press Association planned to send a letter to Bond on Tuesday opposing the bill, the group's president Doug Crews said.

In floor remarks about his proposal, Bond said each government leak is "a window of opportunity for terrorists to discover our sources and methods," which guarantees "chaos and violence in the world."

The bill is backed by the Association of Intelligence Officers. President Clinton vetoed a similar measure in 2000.