Arizona GOPers introduce border security bill

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., along with fellow Arizona Republican Reps. Jim Kolbe and Jeff Flake Friday introduced the "Border Security and Immigration Improvement Act."

Under their bill, individuals who entered the country illegally by Aug. 1 could pay a fine and then be issued a three-year temporary work visa, with an option to reapply at the end of that time.

A second group of immigrants-those still seeking to enter the country-would be issued a renewable three-year temporary worker visa.

Employers seeking to find foreign workers would be able to post the jobs electronically, but only after 14 days where the job would be made available to U.S. citizens.

The legislation hopes to address the United States' growing labor demand, as well as allow federal agencies to concentrate their efforts on terrorism and national security rather than on catching immigrants at the border.