FAIR Act Report - National Archives and Records Administration

Reason Code definitions: B means the jobs may be outsourced; D means the work is in an outsourcing process; E means a public-private competition resulted in the work remaining in-house.

Activity Jobs Reason Code Locations State(s) Org. Unit
Tours for international visitors 0.6 B College Park MD NPOL
Public affairs and publications 4 B College Park MD NPOL
Development program 2.5 B College Park MD NDEV
Staff training and professional development services 4.8 B College Park MD NEEO
Personnel support services 19.1 B College Park MD NHHO
St. Louis MO
Program analysis activities 1.9 B College Park MD NH
Internal records management program operations 2 B College Park MD NH
Web site development and management 2 B College Park MD NHP
Information technology operations 13 B College Park MD NHT
St. Louis MO NHTO
Procurement support services 0.75 B College Park MD NAA
Legal and regulatory compliance auditing for NARA facilities 0.7 B College Park MD NAS
Technical advice on archival construction 0.3 B College Park MD NAS
Facility support services 3 B College Park MD NAF
Storage and warehousing 1.5 B College Park MD NAF
Materiel management 2.5 B College Park MD NAF
Facility operations and repairs 10.5 B College Park MD NAF
Motor vehicle operation 4 B College Park MD NAF
OE financial support services 2.2 B College Park MD NAB
Trust Fund financial support services 11.5 B College Park MD NAT
Copier equipment management 0.2 B College Park MD NAT
Exhibits and public programs 51.28 Washington DC NWL
B College Park MD NWE
Waltham MA NL
College Station TX NR
Austin TX
Ft. Worth TX
Atlanta GA
Abilene KS
Ann Arbor MI
Grand Rapids MI
West Branch IA
Boston MA
Simi Valley CA
San Bruno CA
Laguna Niguel CA
Hyde Park NY
New York NY
Independence MO
Kansas City MO
Philadelphia PA
Chicago IL
Denver CO CO
Seattle WA
Anchorage AK
Records management inventory services 5 B Washington DC NWML
College Park MD
Archival electronic records support services 11.16*** B College Park NWME
Archival description support services 2.5 B Washington DC NWC
College Park MD
Musuem shop operations 60.52 D Washington DC NWCP
College Station TX NL
Austin TX
Atlanta GA
Abilene KS
Ann Arbor MI
Grand Rapids MI
West Branch IA
Boston MA
Simi Valley CA
Hyde Park NY
Independence MO
Publication distribution 12.92 B Washington DC NWCP
Digitizing and microfilming preparation 11.4 B Washington DC NWCT
College Park MD
Library services 12.34 B Washington DC NWCCL
College Park MD
Archival research room operations 30.16 B Washington NWCCR
College Park DC
College Station MD
Austin TX
Atlanta TX
Abilene GA
Ann Arbor KS
Grand Rapids MI
West Branch MI
Boston IA
Simi Valley MA
Hyde Park CA
Independence NY
Document preservation services B NWT
32.19 Washington DC
College Park MD
Courtesy storage 1.75 B Washington DC NL
Volunteer services program 10.21 B Washington DC NWE
College Park MD NL
Waltham MA NR
College Station TX
Austin TX
Ft. Worth TX
Atlanta GA
Abilene KS
Ann Arbor MI
Grand Rapids MI
West Branch IA
Boston MA
Simi Valley CA
San Bruno CA
Laguna Niguel CA
Hyde Park NY
New York NY
Independence MO
Kansas City MO
Philadelphia PA
Chicago IL
Denver CO CO
Seattle WA
Anchorage AK
Records center operations 1003.3 E Waltham MA NR
Pittsfield MA NWMW
Suitland MD
Philadelphia PA
East Point GA
Palmetto GA
Dayton OH
Chicago IL
Lee's Summit MO
St. Louis MO
Kansas City MO
Ft. Worth TX
Denver CO
Laguna Niguel CA
San Bruno CA
Seattle WA
Reimbursable microfilming 15.96 E Suitland MD NR
Kansas City MO NWMW
Ft. Worth TX
San Bruno CA
Seattle WA
Emergency management and operations program 1.51 B Waltham MA NL
Boston MA NR
Pittsfield MA
New York NY
Hyde Park NY
Philadelphia PA
East Point GA
Palmetto GA
Atlanta GA
Dayton OH
Chicago IL
Abilene KS
Grand Rapids MI
Ann Arbor MI
West Branch IA
Independence MO
Lee's Summit MO
St. Louis MO
Kansas City MO
College Station TX
Austin TX
Ft. Worth TX
Denver CO
Simi Valley CA
Laguna Niguel CA
San Bruno CA
Seattle WA
Anchorage AK
Total: 1349.26

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