FAIR Act Report - Health and Human Services - All Agency Summary

* Core jobs are jobs that the agency is not planning on contracting out. Competitive jobs are jobs that could be contracted out. In review jobs are jobs that are in the process of potentially being contracted out. Restructuring jobs are jobs that are pending force restructuring decisions. This data does not include Indian Health Service, which submitted its data in a different format. The HHS Office of Secretary is also not included because all jobs in that office have been labeled inherently governmental.
HHS Agency Core* Competitive* Exempt* In Review* Restructuring* Total Jobs
Program Support Center 257 337 61 655
National Institutes of Health 1750 245 60 2055
Health Resources and Services Administration 803 115 99 147 1164
Administration on Aging 98 98
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 19 142 161
Health Care Financing Administration 3123 306 3429
Administration for Children and Families 394 72 17 483
Food and Drug Administration 3327 34 38 3399
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 14 12 26
Centers for Disease Control 7511 7511
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 454 454
Totals: 17750 1109 330 99 147 19435