
Interest in Foreign Service jobs soars


Federal employees continue work with a new perspective

As agencies begin the process of trying to return to normal operations in the wake of Tuesday's terrorist attacks, there is a pervasive sense that nothing will ever be quite the same.

Pay & Benefits

Dems call GOP leader's bluff on patients' bill of rights for feds

Sen. Don Nickles, R-Okla., may have simply been trying to make a point when he introduced a measure that would make a proposed patients' bill of rights apply to federal employees, but now Democrats are saying they back the idea.


Public relations firms take a second look at federal clients

With the economic slowdown hurting prospects for new high-tech and corporate clients, Washington’s public relations firms are turning to a line of business many of them once shunned: contracts from the federal government.


Two dozen agencies review Mexican border bridge

How many federal agencies does it take to approve a bridge?


Commerce Department

Pay & Benefits

Postal Service finds creative ways to lobby Congress

It can't play by the same lobbying rules as private corporations. So the U.S. Postal Service has special ways of getting its point across in Washington.


Congress may torpedo ergonomics regulations