
Congress' Road to Recess Is Still Blocked Over Highway Funding

The House and Senate need to agree on a highway bill and the fate of the Export-Import Bank before they can leave town for August.


Senate Enjoys a Relatively Friendly Debate Over a Contentious Bill

This week's main event on Capitol Hill is the expected Senate passage of a No Child Left Behind rewrite.


As Deadline Nears, Highway Bill Still Stalled

Two parties can't agree on whether to do a short- or long-term roads measure, or on how to pay for it.


House Republicans Will Take Two Swats at the EPA This Week

The battles over greenhouse gas rules and trade top the congressional agenda.

Pay & Benefits

Most in the Military Get No Retirement-Savings Help. That Could Be Changing.

Under the current system, personnel who serve 20-plus years get a pension. But what about everyone else?


Pentagon Procurement Could See Dramatic Changes

McCain plan would make specific people responsible for cost overruns.


Why John McCain Thinks the Days of Fighter Pilots Are Over

The Senate Armed Services Committee chairman sees a drone-heavy future, but only if the military-industrial complex can be nimble enough to achieve it.


When the Defense Bill Collides With 'Extraneous' Politics

The Pentagon authorization measure always has to sail through controversy before passage. But this year's fight over budgeting is especially tough.


Democrats Go Wobbly on Defense Bills

The defense authorization and appropriations bills use the same gimmick, so why are Democrats standing firm on one but not the other?


Democrats Set to Block Defense Bill Amid GOP Attacks

The Senate minority wants to make a stand on budget caps, and the majority hopes to make them pay for it.


Senate Takes Up Defense Authorization Bill, House Works on Defense Spending

The week will be headlined by the fight over amendments on the Pentagon authorization bill.


The Next Budget Conflict Has Begun, With a Potential Shutdown on the Line

The dispute over defense versus domestic spending means bills will pile up until September. What happens then?


Democrats' Shifting Line on Pentagon Spending

The minority party has vowed to block appropriations bills for their use of a "slush fund." But they'll let the authorization bill go through.


Standoff Over Defense Spending Could Seriously Endanger Major Bill

Lawmakers can't agree on how to handle budget caps under sequestration.


The Senate's Three Competing Priorities Before Memorial Day Recess

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is juggling Trade Promotion Authority, the Patriot Act and a highway bill.


House Preps Highway Extension as Deadline Looms

Funding would continue until July 31, but a long-term solution remains elusive.


Amtrak Has a Trust Problem in Congress

Democrats want to give the rail service more money, and Republicans are demanding more accountability.


Battles Over the Pentagon's Budget Are Likely This Week

Both chambers of Congress will work on defense authorization measures this week.


Senate Heavy Lifting Begins With Education and Iran; Budget Framework Still Under Negotiation

Presidential hopeful Rand Paul could use high-profile education bill markup to make a political statement about the intrusion of government.


There's an IRS Investigation That's Bipartisan and Leak-Free

The Finance Committee's probe of how the tax agency handled conservative groups has stayed below the radar, and that's by design.