Author Archive

Eric Jaffe


Stop Complaining About Your 'Long' Work Week, in 2 Charts

People toiled for many more hours in the Industrial Age than they do in the digital one.


Study: Drivers Have More Stressful Commutes Than Transit Riders or Walkers Do

Transit riders and walkers, who avoid the “unexpected delays” of traffic, stack up better in a new survey.


Debunking the Myth That Only Drivers Pay for Roads

Landing on the moon was still a wild dream the last time gas taxes paid nearly the full cost of our roads.


10 North American Oil Trains Have Now Exploded in 2 Years

The Transportation Department has released new regulations to control the disturbing trend.


How a Quick Glimpse of Nature Can Make You More Productive

Green roofs are great for the environment. Turns out they're great for tired workers, too.


Which Mode of Travel Provides the Happiest Commute?

Walkers, cyclists, and commuter-rail riders are much more satisfied than drivers and transit users.


The Ideal Commute Is Not Actually No Commute

It's normal for people to want a little time to detach from the workplace.


Why Mega-Projects Always End Up Costing More Than Expected

The people who predict the cost of urban mega-projects do a terrible job.


The Case for Making Bike-Share Membership an Employee Benefit

With bike sharing programs growing, organizations start offering access as wellness incentive.


The Future of Public Roads Is in Private Hands

More and more states are privatizing highways and roads. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is a matter of increasing debate.


Do Long Commutes Discourage Married Women From Working?

Cities with longer average commutes have lower rates of married women in the workforce.


The End of Federal Transportation Funding as We Know It

The diminishing power of the gas tax has renewed debate about how — and even whether — Washington can pay for local roads and rails.


Would we leave disaster-prone cities in the absence of FEMA?

One economist asks if the absence of federal funding would improve the way cities prepare for natural disasters