
Arizona's Governor and the Federal Government Are Battling Over Shipping Containers at the Border

Using old shipping containers isn’t a permanent or effective solution to secure the southern border, as state and Yuma officials know. Now, the political stunt is embroiled in a legal battle with the federal government.


Biden to Federal Contractors: Make Plans to Cut Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Companies supplying the largest buyer of goods on the planet could soon have to get in line with the Paris Agreement.


Feds to Colorado River States: Reduce Water Usage, or We Will Do It for You

The Interior Department outlined a path for unilateral cuts last week, upping the pressure on western states.


GovExec Daily: Partnering to Protect Coastal Areas

Megan Rocha and Michael Esgro join the podcast to discuss the launch of Tribal Marine Stewards Network.


EPA Calls Out Environmental Racism in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley

In a “remarkable” letter, the EPA accused Louisiana regulators of neglecting Black residents’ concerns about toxic air pollution and urged the state to move kids out of a school where monitors found extreme levels of a cancer-causing chemical.


Hawaii to U.S. Navy: Quit Polluting Our Waters

A $9 million fine and a sewage leak into Pearl Harbor are just the latest in a series of water crises.


Unstable Ground

How thawing permafrost threatens a Biden-supported plan to drill in Alaska's Arctic.


GovExec Daily: Solving the Climate Finance Problem

Columbia professor Bruce Usher joins the podcast to discuss the ways to remove friction from financing green solutions.


GovExec Daily: How the NOAA is Working to Combat the Climate Crisis

"Route Fifty" Senior Editor Alisha Powell Gillis and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration representatives talk about the climate crisis.


As the EPA Introduces Its Environmental Justice Office, the ‘Mother of the Movement’ Remembers the Black Women Who Led the Battle

Dollie Burwell sees the announcement as a full circle moment after her community raised the profile of environmental racism 40 years ago.


Manchin Drops Push to Overhaul Energy Infrastructure Permitting

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin wanted to speed environmental approvals for projects like power plants and pipelines. But he couldn’t muster the votes to tie his proposal to legislation needed to keep the federal government open.


Response to Environmental Damage Hints at Your Empathy Overall

People who have a less emotional response to seeing images of environmental destruction are also less emotional and empathetic generally, research finds.


GovExec Daily: Tackling the Climate Crisis on Capitol Hill

Samantha Medlock, senior counsel with the Select Committee on Climate Crisis, speaks to GovExec about legislation and the environment.


Climate-Based Trainings and Performance Plans Are Coming for Federal Employees

The Biden administration wants a workforce capable of helping it meet its sustainability goals.


As Colorado River Dries, the U.S. Teeters on the Brink of Larger Water Crisis

The megadrought gripping the western states is only part of the problem. Alternative sources of water are also imperiled, and the nation’s food along with it.


People Doubt Their Actions Affect Climate Change. Is That a Bad Thing?

More Americans are blaming corporations, not individuals, for the climate crisis, a new poll shows.


Key Agencies Are Shedding the Exact Employees They Need to Spend New Infrastructure Dollars

Watchdogs caution agencies could face critical staffing shortages that could impact implementation of Biden's signature infrastructure law.