Government Executive April 2002 Vol.34, No.4

Security vs. Bureaucracy
By Katherine McIntire Peters
After terrorists, the biggest threat facing Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge may come from the agencies he oversees.

Hierarchies and Networks
By Brian Friel
For years, we've been telling the government to run itself like a business. Maybe we should be telling it to run itself like a terrorist organization, too.

Teaching The ABCs
By Jason Peckenpaugh
The followers of activity-based costing say its lessons can improve entire organizations. But getting agencies to use it isn't easy.

The Titans
By Shane Harris
In the high-stakes federal technology market, systems integrators rule the world.

Top Dog
By Joshua Dean
What it takes to be a champion CIO.



Managing Technology : Citizens Calling
By Shane Harris
Government is using technology to move closer to citizen-centric service.

Personal Technology : Segway Goes Postal
By Shane Harris and Joshua Dean
The Postal Service takes a new high-tech scooter for a spin; emerging the handheld and the cell phone.

Management : Training the Tongue-Tied
By Barton Reppert
The military's ability to train enough speakers of foreign languages is being tested by the war on terrorism.

Travel : Time is On Your Side
By Lauren R. Taylor
Shedding new light on rules about travel time.

Marketplace : New Marching Orders
By Allan V. Burman
The drive to transform government shapes a new role for acquisition professionals.


Editor's Notebook: Honoring Service
The Last Word: Unfinished Business

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NEXT STORY: Frayed Connections