Government Executive October 1996 Vol.28, No.10

Up Against the Wall
Operation Gatekeeper slows illegal immigrants at the California border, but Border Patrol agents see no end to the desperate race across the line.

Technology Tamers
Chief information officers are supposed to crack the whip on government's overgrown, over-budget tangle of technology. The question is: Can anyone soothe this savage beast?

Smart Shopping
In just two years, the Federal Supply Service transformed itself from a nit-picking enforcer of archaic purchasing rules to a sleek, customer-friendly operation. Now it wants freedom to do even more.

Smooth Operators
Seven cutting-edge federal programs are chosen as finalists in the 1996 Innovations in American Government Awards.

Noble Experiments
Results of demonstration projects are still brewing for pioneering agencies who have been testing alternative pay and hiring systems since the early 1980s.

Electronic Imaging and Storage Guide
Electronic imaging provides an efficient way for agencies to store and manipulate millions of documents. Our guide examines various components of imaging systems, including document management and workflow software, compression/decompression boards, optical/magnetic storage media and more.

Information Technology, Travel, Defense Beat, Viewpoint.

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