9 8 LEADING THE FUTURE Mobility Nirvana “It will be a while before we can get to the state of nirvana that the Intel community would like,” Singer says. “That would be a device that’s capable of knowing who is using it, where they are and what clearances they have. It would also have all the brains behind it, so we can serve up data that’s appropriate for that particular user in each given environment.” The ability to recognize when you cross the threshold into or out of a classified environment and grant access to different sets of data in each place is not yet within reach, she said—but it is getting closer. In the meantime, she applauds the mobility steps that have been implemented, such as the ability to travel from one agency to another for temporary duty and still be able to access appropriate resources at the home agency. And she sees near-term opportunity to provide work- life balance solutions. “You have to be pragmatic,” she says. “How much are you willing to invest and for what purpose? We have been working on creative ideas to deliver services into the classified environment that are missing today.” This could include features like text-message alerts from schools, indicating a weather emergency or an unplanned early dismissal. “Parents want to know that they can receive those messages. They don’t want to discover that they should have picked up their child two hours ago,” Singer says. “We are working on ways where we could push that message to the user ID on the top-secret side, where they would see it in near real time. That’s something we should be able to do that balances the top secret needs of the agencies we support, with the everyday human needs the rest of us don’t even think about.” Singer spends a lot of time focused on those challenges, unique to the community that she’s been a part of her entire career. “We understand the mission,” Singer says. “And because we do, we can look at a need and say, ‘Here are the creative, innovative and automated solutions we can bring to bear.’ We become a conduit for delivering the latest technologies to address the most challenging problems.”