State and local public health organizations face a unique challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic in balancing the need to maintain critical services for their patients or clients while maintaining social distancing, all while state budgets are being dramatically reduced. It’s a perfect storm of challenges to meet increased needs with reduced, highly stressed, and often limited staff and resources. With requirements as varied as mental hospitals enabling meetings with the court system, addiction rehabilitation centers facilitating visitations with family, massive increases in processing social service claims, public health providing specialty clinical services for both pediatric and adult services as well as building rural clinician capacity and child protective services providers engaging with children under their ward, how can health and human services organizations maintain continuity of operations without taxing its staff with patchwork technology solutions?
During this digital webcast, we’ll explore how integrated digital services are transforming health and human services operations. From enabling essential services virtually to simplifying service administration, learn how technology can guide your organization through the pandemic.