Orhan Cam/Shutterstock.com

Congress Had an Unusually Productive Day Thursday

Day is noteworthy for number of bills considered and voted on, as well as compromise.

Congress, which had Friday off, finished their work week with an exciting, and unusually productive day of legislating on Thursday. The Senate voted to move the long-gestating unemployment aid extension forward, and the House "muscled" in a vote on a bill that would prevent Medicare payment cuts for doctors, according to The New York Times. This was all part of a more-productive-than-usual day in Washington, "where actual lawmaking has already given way to the partisan grandstanding typical of an election year," writes The Times. And while the day is noteworthy for the number of bills considered and voted on — but not actually passed, that would be asking too much —  the real accomplishment is that our nation's leaders compromised. Mostly.

Read more on The Wire. 

(Image via Orhan Cam/Shutterstock.com)