
Date of Veto



Date Signed into Law

FY1966 Military Construction Authorization Bill Aug. 21, 1965 Lyndon Johnson Johnson objected to provisions that would have limited his ability to close military bases. Sept. 30, 1976
FY1977 Military Construction Authorization Bill July 2, 1976 Gerald Ford Ford also objected to the bill's language limiting his ability to close bases. Sept. 16, 1965
FY1979 Defense Authorization Act Aug. 17, 1978 Jimmy Carter Carter objected to the bill's authorization of $1.93 billion for an aircraft carrier. Oct. 20, 1978
FY1989 National Defense Authorization Act Aug. 3, 1988 Ronald Reagan Reagan said in his veto message that the U.S. would be weakened in its arms control leverage with the Soviet Union because of the bill's reduction in missile defense, retirement of two missile-launching submarines and other weapons systems. Sept. 29, 1988
FY1996 National Defense Authorization Act Dec. 28, 1995 Bill Clinton Clinton said money for a multi-site ballistic missile defense system was inconsistent with a U.S.-Soviet Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Jan. 3, 1996
FY2008 National Defense Authorization Act Dec. 28, 2007 George W. Bush Bush objected to the bill's provision that would have made assets of the Iraqi government that were located in the U.S. liable to seizure in lawsuits filed by those who had been victims of Saddam Hussein's government. Jan. 28, 2008
National Defense Authorization Act for FY2016 Oct. 7, 2015 Barack Obama Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has recommended Obama veto the bill because it would circumvent the defense spending cap set by the Budget Control Act of 2011 by including the authorization for Overseas Overseas Contingency Operations authorization for appropriation of $38 billion to cover costs in the Pentagon's "base budget." TBD

Source: Congressional Research Service