Charlie Neibergall/AP

Clinton Continues to Defend Herself Herself About Email Server

The candidate acknowledged Sunday that the steady “drip, drip, drip” of bad headlines isn’t good for her campaign, but she denies she was trying to hide anything.

Hil­lary Clin­ton again de­fen­ded her use of a private email serv­er in an ap­pear­ance on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday morn­ing, ac­know­ledging the slow “drip, drip, drip” of bad head­lines is af­fect­ing her stand­ing in the race and say­ing it’s up to voters wheth­er they will be swayed by them.

“I have tried, to the best of my abil­ity, to be able to re­spond,” Clin­ton told NBC’s Chuck Todd. “And if people are un­cer­tain, if they have con­cerns about these ques­tions around the emails, it is their choice to say, ‘That’s go­ing to in­flu­ence how I think about the elec­tion.’”

Clin­ton said she and her hus­band, former Pres­id­ent Bill Clin­ton, had faced sim­il­ar in­vest­ig­a­tions and ac­cus­a­tions dur­ing his ten­ure in the White House—but that the voters of New York “over­looked” them and still elec­ted her to the Sen­ate in 2000.

“Now I have, as you’re rightly point­ing, been in­volved from the re­ceiv­ing side in a lot of these ac­cus­a­tions. In fact, as you might re­mem­ber dur­ing the ‘90s, there were a bunch of them,” Clin­ton said. “And when I ran for the Sen­ate, the voters of New York, they over­looked all of that, and they looked at my re­cord, and they looked at what I would do for them, and I was elec­ted sen­at­or after go­ing through years of this kind of back and forth.”

The Sunday show ap­pear­ance—her first time on Meet the Press as a can­did­ate, and her second Sunday show ap­pear­ance this month—came after a week of par­tic­u­larly tough head­lines for Clin­ton, in which the time line of her private email ac­count use came in­to ques­tion. Clin­ton and her team have long said she began us­ing the ac­count in March 2009, but a cache of emails with Gen. Dav­id Pet­raeus show she was send­ing emails from it as early as Janu­ary 28 of that year. Mean­while, Clin­ton’s fa­vor­ab­il­ity rat­ings and poll num­bers have dropped sig­ni­fic­antly since she an­nounced her cam­paign in the spring.

Re­spond­ing to a ques­tion about the time-line is­sue, Clin­ton said there was a “trans­ition peri­od” to the private ac­count. “You know, I wasn’t that fo­cused on my email ac­count,” she said.

When Todd fol­lowed up, ask­ing how she already had a private serv­er ready if she wasn’t “fo­cused” on her email ac­count, Clin­ton said the serv­er she used is the same one her hus­band’s per­son­al of­fice had already been us­ing.

“It was already there, it had been there for years,” she said. “It was sit­ting there in the base­ment. It was not any trouble at all.”

Asked wheth­er she had used the private serv­er to avoid con­gres­sion­al scru­tiny and Free­dom of In­form­a­tion Act re­quests, Clin­ton said that idea is “totally ri­dicu­lous.”

“That nev­er crossed my mind,” she said. “And in fact, since more than 90 per­cent of my work-re­lated emails were on the sys­tem, they are sub­ject to FOIA or any oth­er re­quest.”

Clin­ton’s frus­tra­tion with the storyline has been ap­par­ent at sev­er­al points. At a press con­fer­ence in Las Ve­gas last month, Clin­ton re­spon­ded to re­peated ques­tions about wheth­er she had wiped her email serv­er by quip­ping: “What, like with a cloth or something?”

“Now, I was a little sar­cast­ic in one ex­change with re­port­ers—for which I’m sorry, guys,” she told Todd on Sunday.

And when Todd asked her a ques­tion about “an­oth­er ex­plan­a­tion” for why she op­ted to use the private serv­er, Clin­ton replied: “An­oth­er con­spir­acy the­ory?”

Todd also asked Clin­ton about her shift­ing po­s­i­tions on is­sues such as the Key­stone XL pipeline—which she an­nounced last week that she op­poses—and same-sex mar­riage.

“I can just tell you that I am not someone who stakes out a po­s­i­tion and holds it re­gard­less of the evid­ence or re­gard­less of the way I per­ceive what’s hap­pen­ing around me,” Clin­ton said.